Thanks for your inquiry about a Canonical Transfer as a cleric in the Holy
Byzantine Catholic Orthodox Church.

If you have any specific questions we will answer them via direct mail or email.

Is there full time paid ministry available?

In order to stop the abuse the of clergy with the tithing's given by the faithful to
the Holy Church, the Holy Synod inspired by the Holy Ghost  has decreed that no
one will be ordained  until they first have a profession and are self supported. The
funds of the Holy Church will never be used to give the clergy an exuberant

"Paul went to see them, and because he was a tent-maker as they were, he stayed and worked
with them
" Acts 18:3

The only exception is if a parish counsel requests full time clergy and is willing to
pay them a full time salary, the same is for the bishop if the diocese requests and is
willing to pay him a full time salary this is also acceptable.

How long does it take to be Canonically Transferred?
Each candidate is led through the process in an individualized and personal
manner.  When the application process is complete, the Presiding Bishop presents
the application with his/her recommendation to the House of Bishops who then
send their recommendation to Patriarchal Council.  So, the “how long?” time-line

I hope this information helps you as you look at the possibility of serving in The
Holy Byzantine Catholic Orthodox Church as our clergy.  I want to be totally
upfront with you as you look at us and I promise I will be.

If you would like to move on to the next step, please download

If you have any questions or would just like to talk with me to see if we can be
partners in the ministry of the Lord  contact me at the following:

What is the process for a Canonical Transfer?
What Education do I need for a Canonical Transfer?
Le Saint Église Bizantine Catholique Orthodoxe
La Santa Iglesia Bizantina Catolica Ortodoxa

Are there expenses involved in a Canonical Transfer?